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Due to popular requests, all TQ products are now available for immediate downloads. Thus, the audio edition has been included in the Success On Purpose Coaching Bundle. (We found that virtually 100% of all customers ended up purchasing both the audio and the book products, so we packaged them together for value and convenience!)

Order the digital Audio Book Bundle Now...


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"Over the years as I have watched and listened to successful people, I have discovered a common thread: They know WHY they're here. Knowing their purpose in life gives them stability. Someone once said there are two great days in life—the day you are born and the day you discover WHY.

"I'm here to tell you, highly successful people have discovered WHY." ~ Dr. John C. Maxwell

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Never did I expect a web site to make me smarter. Never did I expect to wake up one morning and find someone to help me see my life from an entirely new perspective. You did both.

Barry H.
Dallas, TX


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