1. ENERGY: Are You Fully Alive Each Day...
Do you have the physical strength, mental stamina and emotional energy level to power exceptional performance all day long? Or, are you frequently stressed out, burned out and running on empty before the day is done?
Scale: From Drained to Energetic...
POSITIVES: Strength, endurance, mental/emotional stability.
2. MISSION: How Are You Spending The Only Life You Have to Live...
Do you have a strong sense of mission, purpose and direction? Or, do you find yourself running in circles with no clear vision of where you are headed much of the time?
Scale: From Directionless to Passionate...
POSITIVES: Authentic, passionate, purposeful, devoted.
3. How's Your ATTITUDE, Paragon of Positivity or an Old "NO-It-All"...
Do you look for the best in every situation and the opportunity in every problem? Or, are you more of a "NO it all" — frequently allowing negative thoughts and fears to rule your life?
Scale: From Pessimistic to Enthusiastic...
POSITIVES: Optimistic, proactive, unstoppable, self-assured.
4. Rate Your Ability to Set Clear, Compelling & Convincing GOALS...
Do you have at least one clearly defined goal for every major interest in your life already written into your calendar? Or, do you frequently set goals on the fly with no clear expectations for what you want, by when, or WHY?
Scale: From Vague to Self-Directed...
POSITIVES:: Self-directed, visionary, motivated, explicit, excited.
5. Score Your Ability to Make Rock-Solid PLANS...
A goal without a plan is merely a wish without a hope. Do you have a written action plan to support both your personal and professional goals?
Scale: From Rash to Prepared...
POSITIVES:: Self-assured, self-confident, systematic, prepared, determined.
6. How's Your Ability to PRIORITIZE The Important Over The Urgent...
Do you review each of your plans and consistently prioritize each action step, always focusing on what's most important at the time?
Scale: From Scattered to Highly Focused...
POSITIVES:: Selective, fulfilled, results-oriented, focused.
7. Do You Have The Ability to Create True Inter-Personal SYNERGY...
Do you foster a true sense of teamwork and consistently delegate your tasks and projects to others? Or, are you frequently seen as an overworked "Army of One?"
Scale: From Critical to Supportive...
POSITIVES:: Respectful, supportive, empowering, appreciative, articulate.
8. Rate Your Ability to Get and Stay ORGANIZED...
Do you organize to conquer — with all your systems, files and work-space consistently supporting you? Or, are you constantly spinning your wheels, slowed down by organizational inefficiencies and deficiencies — confusing effort with results?
Scale: From Haphazard to Systematic...
POSITIVES:: Systematic, efficient, effective, innovative, meticulous.
9. Rate Your Ability to OPTIMIZE Your Time...
Do you have superior Time Management skills? Do you consistently optimize your time, getting everything done that was planned each day? Or, do you get sucked into the "time vortex" that swallows up entire days at a time?
Scale: From Distracted to Timely...
POSITIVES:: Vigilant, engaged, prolific, industrious.
10. Score Your Ability to Take Immediate, High-Value ACTION...
Do you take immediate action on whatever's next without procrastinating? Or, do you spend most of your time awaiting further instructions — constantly getting ready to get ready?
Scale: From Procrastination to Highly Proactive...
POSITIVES:: Action-oriented, courageous, resourceful, proactive, tenacious.