TQ Speed-Learning: Re-Program Your Subconscious With Sight... Sound... Motion... and Emotion!
1-Focus On The Words in Motion       2-Listen To Your Mentor       3-Review The Full Lesson Below and Take Action!
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Friday, July 26, 2024.

"Take a lesson from the mosquito. She never waits for an opening -- she makes one." ~ Kirk Kirkpatrick 

Where's All This Fun Getting You?

Low priority jobs may be more fun to do, but, by definition, they seldom contribute much to your long-range goals.

IMPACT: The next item on your prioritized list of things to do needs to be promptly completed -- or it wouldn't be on your list in the first place. Don't go around it. You waste time and energy when you avoid doing what you know you should do. Arrange items on your to-do list in order of importance, then start at the top and work down. Make it a rule: never purposely skip an item just because you don't feel like doing it.

Before you take up the next task, pause to review. Make sure it's the next highest one remaining on your priority list.


Is This a Concern? HELP Is Available...

Today's training is from the TQ Prioritize Color: Do What's Important Next -- Regardless of Difficulty. To get maximum benefit from Today's TQ, put all your senses to work for you. The words in the video are subconscious triggers that cause you to remember the big ideas. The tempo and voice appeals to the logical side of your brain.

Burn the emotional and logical into your thinking, act on the idea, and you will get better results in less time. Your TQ soars... you become more successful... yes, today!

Some members have no problem in this area, but many do. If you feel this concern needs to be addressed now, we can help.


Today's TQ for the week of July 14 - August 3.


Are You Happy?


Are You Just Not An Organizer?


Is Your Team With You?


Are You Up For Some Down Time?


What Do You Value Most?


Are Your Goals Indelible?


What's Your #1 Role Right Now?


If At First You Don't Succeed, Prepare And Plan Ahead.


Is What You'Re Doing Worth Your Time?


When Is The Best Time?


Is Your Fear Dark And Fuzzy?


What's Missing From This List: 1-2-3-_-5?


Where's All This Fun Getting You?


Do You Have Your Heels Dug In?


Are You Keeping Your Juices Flowing?


Is There A Mission Missing In Your Life?


Are You Getting Better -- Or Just Getting Older?


Where Did The Time Go?


To What Direction Do All Your Goals Point?


Are You Ready To Design Your Day?


Whose Fault Is It, Anyway?


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"You should call this the Survival Edge..."

I've taken a dozen time management courses and read 20 books on improving my time management and organization skills. This goes WAY beyond anything I could ever hope for. It gave me a serious edge when I came up for my last job review, not to mention the confidence I now have.

Steve D.
New York, NY


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