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What Is TQ?

"Action is the true measure of intelligence."~ Napoleon Hill

TQ is the intelligence behind success.

Your Time Quotient (TQ) is a Gold Standard measurement of the actions you take to produce the Results you get over Time.

TQ measures how smart you ACT, not how smart you ARE.

More Results In Less Time: The Key To Lasting Success.

TQ doesn't measure your cognitive intelligence (IQ,) or your emotional intelligence (EQ.) For purposes of this discussion, assume your IQ and EQ are good enough — because they are.

No question, if you're reading this page, you're smart enough to achieve anything you want in life.

Because TQ is based on 100 simple, easily repeatable actions, it is the only form of intelligence you can actually improve over time.

Why TQ matters.

Given your intellectual and emotional makeup (whatever it is), you are still responsible for creating the life you want. This means producing Results.

The Results you produce over your lifetime is how your success will ultimately be measured — not by any score.

Your TQ is what causes success over Time.

Success is not measured by good intentions—or how much effort you expend — or how badly you want it. Instead, success is entirely dependent upon the Results you actually get in the Time you have.

The simplicity of our formula says it all. In order to become the success you desire—simply produce better Results, and do it in less Time.

Work the formula. You either get the Results you expect — or you don't.

You either produce them in the Time expected — or you don't.

 High TQ Performance Low TQ Performance
  • Doubled sales this quarter.
  • Sales fell by 12% this quarter.
  • Increased profitability 300% this year.
  • Profits evaporated, net loss this year.
  • Took kids to park twice this week.
  • Broke promises with kids, take maybe next week.
  • Have $2 million in hand for retirement.
  • Lived hand to mouth right up to retirement.
  • Increased market share this month.
  • Watched competitors eat our lunch this month.
  • Launched 6 new products in the last year.
  • Development a mess, repositioning aging products.
  • Moved into dream home today.
  • Dreams on hold, awaiting further instructions.

    So, how can you improve your TQ?

    Actually, the process is quite simple:

    1. Systematically identify what's holding you back...
    2. Eliminate it.
    Because it is quite difficult for us to actually see what's impacting our TQ, we developed a "Gold Standard" measurement of personal performance. By rating yourself against this standard, you can cut through the blur and identify your exact strengths — and weaknesses.

    Next: The Gold Standard


    "Worth 1000 Times the price paid..."

    Been there... done that... and I'm not easily impressed. I've purchased thousands of dollars of books, seminars, video tapes, and an assortment of training aids that would fill a garage. Never have I been so impressed before. Simple, straight-forward and very structured. This is the LAST program I will ever need to take! I wish it would have been my FIRST...

    Barbra A.
    San Francisco, CA


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    "Worth 1000 Times the price paid..."

    Been there... done that... and I'm not easily impressed. I've purchased thousands of dollars of books, seminars, video tapes, and an assortment of training aids that would fill a garage. Never have I been so impressed before. Simple, straight-forward and very structured. This is the LAST program I will ever need to take! I wish it would have been my FIRST...

    Barbra A.
    San Francisco, CA


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