Our Company

About ThinkTQ, Inc.
ThinkTQ, Inc. is the world's leading publisher of virtual training products exclusively focused on personal and professional excellence — the only company with the tools, technology and automated systems that make it possible to instantly improve your performance — dynamically accelerating your potential for true and lasting success.
We know a lot of other companies make this claim, but we have the means to actually deliver. In fact, we unconditionally guarantee it.
With over 25 years of experience, we have the resources to do something that others can only promise: Train you to immediately produce greater Results... in far less Time... through a continuous process of self-measurement... self-evaluation... and self-improvement.
ThinkTQ is in the business of measuring and improving human POTENTIAL — giving people a baseline reference point for meaningful change... and the TOOLS to rapidly hone God-given TALENTS into hard-edged SKILLS.
The Big WHY?
Our prime directive is to make it easy for people to succeed.
Or, a bit more eloquently, our dream is to help you make your dreams come true!
Every thought we think and every product we develop is designed to make it easier for ordinary people to produce extraordinary results.
We believe that people get ahead by desire, passion and ability—stretching to success—rather than living a life of failed hopes, dreams and expectations—and that every person deserves the chance to achieve their most inspiring goals.
We believe, and can now prove empirically, that what separates high achievers—the top 10% from the bottom 90%—is their intentional commitment to performance excellence.
We believe it is time to change the old, inefficient and mostly ineffective framework of personal development, and replace it with a modern solution to offer encouragement, engagement, and immersive training—on a daily basis—leading to high achievement.
A Simple Plan
Test the world's TQ and turn it up by 20-30-40 points... training people to unleash their full potential through a continuous process of Self-Measurement... Self-Evaluation... and Self-Improvement.
This means quickly helping people learn, remember and master the success-critical skills required to produce outstanding results — both personally and professionally.
The Goal:
One hundred million members worldwide by 2025. One billion members by 2030.
Key Business Objective:
Become the # 1 Training Portal for personal and professional excellence in the world... with our unique content available everywhere, 24/7/365: On computers, phones, tablets, watches... everything, everywhere.
TQ is a fundamental engine of personal development.
The Intellectual Property and Content is designed to be fully integrated into an immersive system of training and habituation... giving people thousands of points of contact where they can receive powerful training every time they check their email, phones, watches, etc.
TQ is simply the high value low cost disruptor in the personal development space.
There are some 2.5 billion smart phones, and our objective is to have TQ Inside on 1 billion of them in 10 years.

The need for success, after all, is a fundamental human desire, and as people globally move up the Maslow's pyramid, we all benefit from a smarter, safer world.
Shareholder Value:
ThinkTQ, Inc. is a privately held, Colorado corporation. Our financial goal is to brand TQ as the new form of "working intelligence", and create $2-5 Billion in shareholder value over the next 10 years.
Founding Investors
E.R. Haas, Kent Madson, Mike Long, Dale Hess, Time Mackie, Ken Martin, Mark Nelson, Dan Shafer, Mardi & Bruce Durgin
To date, over $12 million has been invested in the TQ content, databases, products, and systems.
Experience, Dedication, Business Savvy, Street Smarts and Passion.
We believe that if we help people become more productive, we can make the world a better place. So, every time YOU become more productive, the WORLD directly benefits. Think about it.