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The TQ Lexicon of Success...

Become Tenacious — Eliminate Undependable!

Improve TQ Act Now Factor 10I...

"I keep the momentum going until I finish each project I start."

If a project was worth starting, it deserves to be completed. Don't lose your momentum. Make some progress on every plan started. You've already put out some of the effort; now complete it so you can reap the rewards. Success builds success. Find all those half-finished projects lying around and finish them one-by-one.

Remember, ACT NOW is the tenth color in the Time Prism Performance Spectrum because nothing gets done without first getting started.

You CAN achieve your greatest dreams and aspirations. Simply improve your TQ Act Now Color.

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How to become more Tenacious...

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TQ Factor 10I "Thin Line"...

Tenacious vs. Undependable is a choice — Your CHOICE!

There's a Thin Line between success and failure. Choose to take Factor 10I more often, and the following POSITIVE characteristics will automatically begin to accumulate and flow into to your performance—moving you TOWARDS the results you want and the success you desire.

Positives     Negatives

Choose to take this action infrequently, or not at all, and the opposing NEGATIVE traits will dominate your performance and sabotaging your success... moving you AWAY from achieving your goals and aspirations.

Think about it. How much more successful would you be if you were a little MORE Tenacious... and a little LESS Undependable?

TQ Factor 10I CONTRIBUTION to your performance...

A high commitment suggests you are someone who can be counted on to consistantly finish each project you start. You are committed to seeing things through to the end, and determined to maintain the momentum on each project. You feel pride in the completion of your projects. You are rewarded by the achievement of every goal. With only a few projects currently incomplete, you're free to set new goals -- knowing that you have the time and the ability to devote to each one immediately.

TQ Factor 10I COST to your performance...

A lack of commitment suggests you are someone who typically loses interest, focus or faith before you get to the end of a project. What is it with all these unfinished projects? You get started; you make progress; but then -- they never get done. You move on to something else instead. Is it a lack of interest -- or is there nothing left but the hardest parts? Do you lack confidence -- or are you afraid of success? Whatever the cause, it may be easier or more fun to go on to the next thing. It's not necessarily more rewarding -- but it is easier at the moment.

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TQ Factor 10I BENEFIT: You have more power...

Projects get completed. Goals are reached. Rewards are happily collected. You accumulate performance positives like "Tenacious, Competent and Prolific" -- immediately moving you towards the results you expect.

FAIL to do TQ Factor 10I: Less Power...

Projects that are left incomplete are goals not reached. Negatives like "Undependable, Capricious and Uninspired" start to take their toll on your performance -- quickly moving you away from the success you want.

Is Act Now Factor 10I Causing You Problems?

If the answer is YES...

If you believe TQ Factor 10I is a major performance obstacle — one that is preventing you from realizing your dreams, goals and aspirations — then you need to improve it NOW.

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TQ System Clients, learn how to immediately improve this Factor of your performance with a specific plan of action...

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If the answer is NO, select another Act Now Factor from the list below...

The Full List of TQ Act Now Factors

Click the Factor number you want to review next:

10A I take immediate action on whatever's next without procrastinating.
10B I use clever and imaginative ways to get started on difficult tasks or projects.
10C I break down complex tasks into immediately "do-able" steps.
10D I use fear as a call to action, and act without delay to reduce the threat.
10E I complete unpleasant but necessary tasks as soon as possible.
10F I apply new ideas as soon as possible, and repeat them until mastered.
10G I take some action to test or implement new plans as soon as they're proposed.
10H I continue until I reach some stage of completion before leaving any task or project.
10I I keep the momentum going until I finish each project I start.
10J I consistently seize the day to make my life an action adventure.

  Return to The Act Now Color Page...

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