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Real Story Of The Week...

"The days when I have been ready to quit, TQ rescued me."

"Dedicate yourself to the good you deserve and desire for yourself. Give yourself peace of mind. You deserve to be happy. You deserve delight." ~ Mark Victor Hanseni

Dear TQ...

During the past year I have read and shared TQ with many of my friends. Some have been greatly inspired as have I.

I am a salon manager with JC Penney in Myrtle Beach, SC and in that year our salon has become the #1 salon in our district and #24 out 1100. To me that is a great accomplishment.

My motivation some days comes directly from TQ. The days when I have been ready to quit, TQ rescued me.

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Negative influences of people I come in contact sometimes get the best of me but the inspirational quotes refocus me. I try everyday to be of some sort of service to someone.

To see how much I can get done in a day as opposed to seeing how much I can get by with has become my own personal mantra. My life so far has been pretty full but I still plan to do lots more.

This Sunday I am starting back to college to finish my Master's degree. When I finish I will have a dual Masters in Human Resources and Leadership/Management.

I am excited and looking forward to a career that I sat aside to raise my children. I want to thank you for however TQ came into my email... because I really don't how it got there... but one day there it was!

Maybe "divine intervention", but anyway thanks and I read you everyday.

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"Yesterdays don't matter..."

You are 100% correct. What was good enough to get me by last year doesn't have a snow-balls chance this year. I have to do things differently -- just to keep pace. The Power of TQ truly opened my eyes to my current limitations and my ultimate potential. I am ever so grateful.

Sherry H.
Santa Barbra, CA


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